
Pakistan Highlights Female Artists at Fashion Exhibition in Paris

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 25 January 2024

The Embassy of Pakistan in Paris staged a joint fashion exhibition on January 24, 2024, showcasing the creative talent of renowned designer Omar Mansoor as well as the uplifting efforts of the Kaarvan Crafts Foundation.

Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad greeted attendees cordially and emphasized the important role that rural women, particularly artisans-turned-entrepreneurs, play in moulding Pakistan's national growth and ambitions.

The event, titled 'Culture to Couture,' celebrated Pakistan's rich legacy of handcrafted apparel and textiles, combining tradition with contemporary. Ambassador Ahmad applauded the Kaarvan Crafts Foundation's work to empower rural women via life skills training. He also praised Omar Mansoor for his dedication to altering the vision and work of the next generation via sustainable and beautifully crafted couture.

The Ambassador highlighted the global language of fashion, emphasizing the significant fashion links between France and Pakistan. The event showcased a wide variety of designs, with models bringing Omar Mansoor's dreamlike ideas to life. Clara Bellon, an opera singer, contributed to the magic with her mesmerizing performance.

A video telling the lives of female artists funded by the Kaarvan Crafts Foundation offered a moving backdrop to the evening. Attendees, including French officials, diplomats, members of the fashion and business industries, students, and media professionals, ate traditional Pakistani food to promote cultural interchange and understanding. The fashion show showed the harmonic combination of Pakistani and French art and culture, captivating the audience with the beauty of teamwork and innovation.