Women in Arts and Culture | Global Woman Leader

Viewpoint / Art & Culture

7 Female Powerhouses of Talent who Triumphed at Golden Globes 2024

The 2024 Golden Globe Awards celebrated dramatic advances in film

6 Reel Business Women to Take Inspiration from in 2024

GWL Team examines the influence of films depicting successful businesswomen

Tastewise 2024: Online Surge Fuels Holistic Women's Health Trends

The 2024 Tastewise study cites an increase in internet debates

Google Trends 2023: Meet the Most Talked About Women Globally

Women across the world made great strides in 2023

8 Cinematic Muses: Graceful Perspectives from Female Film Critics

Global Woman Leader emphasizes the critical role of female film critics in affecting public opinions by shattering stereotypes and creating...

6 Ways Miss Universe 2023 Championed Diversity & Inclusion

The Miss Universe pageant 2023 highlighted diversity