
Canada Invests in Women's Economic Participation

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 13 September 2023

In a commitment to bolstering Canada's competitiveness and prosperity, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, on behalf of the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister of Women, Gender Equality, and Youth, announced on September 13, 2023, a $296,000 investment in the Société d'aide au développement des collectivités (SADC) Shawinigan. This grant will go towards their ground-breaking programme, "Flexi-Loan for Women."

This project aims to ease the full integration of women into the economic fabric, particularly those who work part-time as entrepreneurs, or "flexipreneurs." Through an innovative approach to finance and customised support, SADC Shawinigan's pioneering initiative aims to empower women by improving their economic stability and prosperity. The effort is critical in supporting women to develop, sustain, and expand their entrepreneurial operations.

SADC Shawinigan invented the word "flexipreneur" to describe the different activities of women who adeptly mix owning enterprises with other duties like as full- or part-time schooling, family commitments, or caregiving tasks. This innovative language was inspired by the amazing women who were underrepresented in the standard definition of an entrepreneur. Flexipreneurs are on the rise in Quebec, with part-time business among women seeing substantial increase in recent years.

Over the last four decades, rising female labor-force participation has accounted for almost one-third of Canada's economic growth. The Government of Canada's recent decision underscores its steadfast commitment to working with women's movements, organisations, and specialists. They want to work together to tear down obstacles and support women's economic engagement, as well as to advance intersectional methods that promote gender equality.

This investment demonstrates Canada's commitment to promoting an egalitarian and prosperous future in which the full potential of women's economic engagement is realised, benefiting not only individuals and families but whole communities and the country's global competitiveness.

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