

Eman Elsharkawy: Fostering Inclusivity & Diversity In Legal Departments Through Leadership

Eman Elsharkawy: Fostering Inclusivity & Diversity In Legal Departments Through Leadership

Eman ElSharkawy
Regional Compliance Director - Middle East Africa & Russia CIS Region

In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the Head of Legal plays a pivotal role beyond legal compliance alone. Their ability to blend cultural understanding, integrity, innovation, and inclusivity is paramount. This synthesis fosters a dynamic environment where diverse perspectives are valued, ethical standards are upheld, and innovative solutions are embraced. Leaders akin to Eman ElSharkawy not only guarantee legal proficiency but also foster an organizational ethos that flourishes amidst intricacy, rendering it essential for navigating contemporary business challenges.

Eman ElSharkawy stands as a formidable figure in the realm of corporate compliance, wielding influence as the Regional Compliance Director for the Middle East, Africa, and Russia CIS Region at ABBVIE BIOPHARMACEUTICAL. With a career marked by great passion and astute leadership, ElSharkawy has emerged as a driving force in ensuring adherence to regulatory standards across diverse and complex markets.

Below is an excerpt of Eman ElSharkawy’s exclusive interaction with The Global Woman Leader magazine.

Take us through the formative years of your life. What were some key early influences in life that shaped you as an individual?

Reflecting on the formative years of my life invokes a mosaic of cultural richness, educational diversity, and societal norms that encapsulate my growth journey. Hailing from a cosmopolitan city in Egypt, my upbringing was a tapestry woven with threads of myriad cultures and traditions. From a young age, I was fascinated by the diverse array of viewpoints that peacefully coexisted in our community, showing me the beauty of diversity.

Education played a pivotal role, serving not only as an academic pursuit but also as a catalyst for broadening my worldview. Attending a Catholic school, despite being of Muslim faith, underscored the transformative power of learning in fostering tolerance and understanding. It illuminated the notion that differences should be celebrated, not shunned, thereby sculpting my ethos as a global citizen. Yet, amidst this enlightenment, I grappled with the constricting grip of societal expectations prevalent in Arab communities. The prevailing archetype of womanhood relegated females to predefined roles, stifling individual aspirations beneath the weight of familial obligations. Navigating this contrast instilled in me a resolute determination to defy norms and carve my path.

Thus, my formative years were characterized by a delicate dance between tradition and innovation, community pressure, and individual resilience. It was a period of introspection and preparation, where I confronted identity challenges and charted a course toward self-realization. In retrospect, this juxtaposition of influences laid the groundwork for the person I am today - a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit to transcend societal confines and embrace boundless possibilities.

"I actively pursue opportunities, challenge stereotypes, & educate others on the value of diversity & inclusion"

What led you to foray into the field of law?

My journey into the field of law is a tale of serendipity and perseverance. Growing up in a small city devoid of the academic avenues I initially aspired for, I encountered a crossroads where circumstance and ambition intersected. With a longing to delve into public and international relations, I found myself constrained by societal norms dictating the limitations placed upon women pursuing higher education away from home.

However, fate intervened when a friend alerted me to a promising opportunity at the local university, a fledgling program offering legal studies in French, my forte. Despite uncertainties surrounding its accreditation and longevity, I seized the chance without hesitation. Amidst skepticism from peers, I embraced the risk, driven by a passion for legal scholarship.

Thus, I embarked on a pioneering journey, becoming one of the first graduates of this unconventional program. It's a testament to the unpredictable twists of fate and the indomitable spirit that propels one towards their calling.

Take us through your expansive journey as a compliance expert. What were some of the crucial junctures throughout your professional journey?

My journey as a compliance expert has been a multi­faceted odyssey, marked by pivotal moments that have shaped my trajectory. It commenced with humble be­ginnings, balancing studies with a full-time job, which instilled in me a pragmatic understanding of real-world intricacies. Transitioning into the legal realm, albeit initially unrelated to compliance, laid the groundwork for my eventual specialization. Embracing opportunities with fervor, I navi­gated through various roles, from reviewing contracts to pioneering compliance initia­tives in uncharted territories.

Each juncture bestowed invaluable insights, from spearheading anti-corruption programs to establishing compliance frameworks from scratch. With each new responsibility, from leading teams across diverse regions to orchestrating comprehensive compliance programs, I honed my expertise.

Today, as a Regional Compliance Di­rector, I oversee the development and im­plementation of robust compliance mea­sures across vast geographies, ensuring ethical integrity and regulatory adherence. It's been an enriching journey of continuous growth, innova­tion, and unwavering dedication to ethical governance.

A business leader’s journey is replete with challenges. Throw some light on the major challenges you encounter in your current role. How do you overcome the said roadblocks?

In my current role as a business leader, I encounter challenges that extend beyond the professional realm and delve into the intricacies of cultural norms and gender biases. One significant hurdle is navigating through cultural barriers that restrict women's authority and respect in leadership positions, particularly prevalent in some Arab cultures. Overcoming this requires not only empowerment from within the company but also challenging societal norms and advocating for gender equality.

Balancing work and family is another formidable challenge. As a woman in leadership, the expectations placed upon me extend beyond the boardroom, requiring a delicate equilibrium between career aspirations and familial responsibilities. To surmount this, I cultivate strong relationships, continuously invest in professional development, and seek mentorship to navigate through male-dominated spaces.

Moreover, advocating for oneself is crucial. I actively pursue opportunities, challenge stereotypes, and educate others on the value of diversity and inclusion. By relentlessly pursuing these strategies, I strive to carve my path and inspire change in the organizational landscape, fostering a culture of equality and empowerment for future generations of women in leadership.

In your opinion what have been the biggest ‘wins’ that you have achieved so far in your professional journey?

Reflecting on my professional journey, several significant victories stand out, each representing a milestone in breaking barriers and paving the way for progress. Firstly, witnessing the rise of female leadership in male-dominated communities and industries, particularly in regions like the Gulf, resonates deeply as a monumental win. I recall a time when such notions seemed implausible, yet today, seeing empowered women assert their positions and find their paths amidst societal challenges is truly inspiring.

Another noteworthy achievement lies in my career trajectory, particularly the transition from regional responsibilities in the Middle East to overseeing larger territories encompassing Latin America, Africa, and Asia Pacific. Such opportunities were once deemed improbable for a Middle Eastern woman. Yet, by leading through action and example, I've challenged stereotypes and demonstrated that barriers can be overcome with perseverance and determination.

These victories not only impact me personally but also serve as beacons of inspiration for others, igniting a sense of pride within my family, friends, and colleagues. They signify progress and the collective journey towards greater inclusivity and diversity in the professional landscape.

How do you define success as a business leader? What has been your success mantra over the years?

Defining success as a business leader is a deeply personal journey, shaped by individual aspirations and values. For me, success embodies a multifaceted approach that transcends conventional metrics. Drawing inspiration from trailblazers like Lubna Olayan, success is not merely about personal achievements but about breaking barriers and driving positive change.

My success mantra revolves around several key principles. Firstly, it's about setting ambitious professional goals and relentlessly pursuing them, regardless of the challenges encountered. Secondly, it's about fostering effective leadership, inspiring others, and cultivating a vision that extends beyond personal ambitions to benefit the collective.

Continuous personal growth and development form another cornerstone of success, as does active engagement within the community, championing ethical business practices, and promoting inclusivity. By embodying these principles, I strive to redefine success not only for myself but also for those I lead and the communities I serve. Success, therefore, is not a destination but a continuous journey of growth, impact, and fulfillment.

Eman ElSharkawy, Regional Compliance Director- Middle East, Africa & Russia CIS Region, ABBVIE BIOPHARMACEUTICAL

Eman ElSharkawy serves as the Regional Compliance Director for the Middle East, Africa & Russia CIS Region at ABBVIE BIOPHARMACEUTICAL. With a wealth of experience and expertise in corporate compliance, she navigates complex regulatory landscapes with integrity, ensuring adherence to ethical standards across diverse markets.